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Meet our working farm dogs

Buzz & Woody are our spoiled German Shorthaired Pointers (GSPs). They have moved up in the world—getting a job and earning their keep—and have become our working farm dogs. They chase away the squirrels, rabbits and run the coyotes off our property. They are experts in tag-teaming and barking away any uninvited guests. They need lots of exercise to ward off the excess energy that builds up in them. Everything they do, the do with gusto—work, play and sleep!

Nanuk is a rescue dog. Part Husky and part Malamute, he’s a happy go lucky kind of dog. He is also an honorary GSP with the same coloring in his coat to match his co-workers, aka Buzz & Woody. Together our three dogs are members of the working farm dog’s union on our property called the 3 Amigos. He will assist the pointers in the hunt and chase of the coyotes, but spends most of his time swimming in our natural swimming pond and “supervising the fish” which translates in Nanuk-Speak to admiring his b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l, floofy reflection.

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