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Our 3 sheep

Introducing our three sheep—Fred, Ethel and Avocado.

They are Babydoll Southdown sheep, a breed of small sheep that are famous for being super cute and friendly.

Avocado and two of our goats (Popcorn and Peanut) were bottle fed. For a brief time, Avocado thought she too was a goat. (She had a little bit of an identity crisis but has since joined the sheep clique)

The sheep clique collectively playa with the goats - headbutting, running around and enjoying their play time. We have sheered our sheep when the weather was warmer and it was needed - usually at the beginning of summer. We still have bags full of the wool from this year and are trying to figure out what to do with their wool—I believe a project was started. . .any takers on the wool? (we’ve got bags of white wool from Fred and Ethel and brown wool from avocado)

We hope you are enjoying our blog posts about our farm and our animals, however we also have lots of great avocados on our farm. If anyone is in the Riverside area and would like some delicious avocados, grown pesticide free, please send us a message. We have Pinkertons, Bacons, Fuertes and Zutanos ready. We will pick them fresh off the tree for you. Subscribe to our blog to keep updated on our petting zoo progress and to meet the rest of our animals.

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